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Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation: Which is Right for Me?

woman in blue bikini

Are you considering breast enhancement surgery but don’t know whether breast lift (mastopexy), breast augmentation, or combination of both procedures is right for you? The answer to this question will depend on your specific cosmetic goals, and the following information can give you a better understanding of the results each surgical option can achieve.

A breast lift is designed to elevate and reshape the breasts for a more youthful projection and contour. As a result, mastopexy alone can be a great option if you desire to address excess skin and significant drooping in the breasts but do not wish to notably increase the overall size of your breasts. In contrast, breast augmentation is performed to enhance both the size and shape of the breasts using either implants or fat transfer. While the procedure may be able to correct a minimal degree of drooping and/or excess skin for some patients, breast augmentation alone is generally the best option if you are solely seeking to enhance the volume and contour of your breasts.

If you wish to improve significant drooping while also increasing the size of your breasts, you may be good candidate for a breast lift with implants. This procedure can not only correct signs of sagginess and diminish excess skin in the breasts, it can also add fullness and volume for a fuller, more well-proportioned figure.

During your consultation, we can discuss all available breast enhancement options in great detail to ensure you are fully informed about the benefits and limitations of each approach. In the end, I will make recommendations based on your particular needs and desired outcomes, but the final decision will be left up to you.

Dr. Christopher P. Godek, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Contact Our Office

If you are considering breast enhancement surgery and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Godek, please contact us today.

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